#!/bin/bash ### SBATCH OPTIONS ### #SBATCH --partition=ipop-up #SBATCH --job-name=Alignment #SBATCH --output=star-alignment-%j.out #SBATCH --error=star-alignment-%j.err #SBATCH --mem=25G # increase memory to 25G ### MODULES ### module purge module load star/2.7.5a # find appropriate STAR module (2.7.5a) ### VARIABLES ### pathToIndex=/shared/banks/genomes/mus_musculus/mm39/star-2.7.5a # look for the path of the index for mus musculus (mm39) made for STAR pathToFastq1=/shared/projects/training/test_fastq/D192red_R1.fastq.gz # look in /shared/projects/training/test_fastq to get the path to the R1 fastq.gz file pathToFastq2=/shared/projects/training/test_fastq/D192red_R2.fastq.gz # look in /shared/projects/training/test_fastq to get the path to the R2 fastq.gz file outputFileName=STAR_results/D192red # choose your output file name ### COMMANDS ### STAR --genomeDir $pathToIndex \ --readFilesIn $pathToFastq1 $pathToFastq2 \ --outFileNamePrefix $outputFileName \ --readFilesCommand zcat